In this article you will learn:
Why there are certain restrictions on Timecard approvals
To help keep the information on your timecards as accurate as possible, you won't be able to approve an employee's timecard if they are still clocked in from a previous shift.
When trying to approve an employee's timecard who is currently still clocked in you will see that the approve timecard button cannot be pressed and there is a warning symbol to the right of the approve button.
If you see that the approve button cannot be pressed, you can hover over the warning symbol located to the right of the approve button which will show you the following message, "This employee must be clocked out of all shifts before their timecard can be approved. Click here to review the attendance records".
Once this message appears you can press the warning symbol and this will redirect you to the attendance record where this employee is still currently clocked in. The record in question will also be highlighted in red to help find this record. You will be able to clock them out by entering a clock out time for that record.
When this process has been completed you will be able to approve the timecard for that employee for that week.
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