In this article you will learn about:
Configuring the permissions for the schedule page including
Giving access to view the schedule page
Giving access to edit schedules
Giving access to edit popular shifts
Giving access to view individual costs
Giving access to view forecast summary
Giving access to publish schedules
Giving access to export schedules
Giving access to schedule notes
Note: You need Admin access to edit role permissions.
How do I give someone access to the Schedules?
Login to Bizimply
Click on your name/email address in the top-right-hand corner
Select 'Account access' from the drop down
3. A list of roles will appear, click on the orange edit icon of the role you would like to edit
4. You will be presented with a list of permissions for the Role you have selected, which includes most functions on Bizimply
5. Scroll down until you see Schedule and ensure it is 'On'
6. Click 'Choose Options'
7. Decide which schedules you would like this Role to have access to
Note: an user will only see the schedules in the locations they are shared to
8. Decide which options for Schedule's you would like employees with this Role on Bizimply to have
9. When you are happy with your permissions for this Role, scroll down and click 'Save'
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