In this article you will learn:
How to input a note on a day within the schedule
How to edit or remove that note
How to see the weather forecast on the schedule
Please note: You need to have permission to edit and publish the schedule to have access to this useful new feature. Please ask your account administrator for access.
Here's an overview video of the feature:
Day Notes on the Schedule
1. Login to your Bizimply account
2. Choose a location and click on the 'schedule' icon at the top of the page
3. Beside each day on the top of the schedule, you will see a dropdown arrow
4. Click into the 'Note' box and write in your note that will be attached to this day on the schedule
5. Click the 'Save' button
6. Notes can be edited or removed after they have been saved and they can also be printed
7. Once the schedule is published, any employee with a shift on this day will get the day note
8. The weather on that day will also show in real-time as will the weather forecast for the next 7 days
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