Preparing your Bizimply account before you do a Brightpay Export
Make sure that Employee Numbers in Bizimply match Employee work numbers
in Brightpay.
Make sure there are no leading 0s before employee work number in Brightpay. If you can see 0 in front of the number in Brightpay, e.g. 0123, you must remove the 0
before completing your payroll.
When importing to Brightpay for the first time, make sure the correct pay rates and codes have been created on Brightpay to link different pay types with correct pay rates in Brightpay.
How to export Payroll to Brightpay
Login to Bizimply and go to reports section in the top menu.
Open the Attendance Reports dropdown on the left and open the Employee Timecards section.
Export Employee Timecard CSV report (hours by day).
Select correct date range
Select locations that you need in the report
Select departments that you need in the report
Select Employees
Select CSV for format and "Hours by Day" in the Breakdown dropdown.
Once you have the report exported, open it
Delete unrelated columns (highlighted in grey).
Delete any columns for pay types which do not relate to your business (e.g. if you are not using Overtime hours - delete overtime 1 and 2)
If you are using Brightpay csv import pay records for the first time, double check that you have correct codes setup with correct pay rates in your Brightpay account. (To check, go to the employer section of your Brightpay account. Create new hourly pay rates, link them to the right code and add the code in the corresponding columns in your Bizimply Employee Timecards csv file.)
Once your file is ready, login into Birghtpay and go to Payroll at the top of your
Click on more>import Pay Records from CSV file>Import Hourly Payments
You will see the screen below. Untick the first 3 boxes.
Click on the box marked <Ignore> and select “Department”
Click on the box marked <Ignore> and select “Employee works number”Click on the box marked <Ignore> and select Number of standard hours”
Now you should relink the correct codes for your Sunday hours, Time Off hours and Public Holiday hours.
NB:If you are using Overtime Hours, you'll need to relink those too.
Once this is completed click on import at the bottom of the screen.