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Here are some frequently asked questions about Bizimply.

Getting Started

All you need to know when setting up your account for the first time

New To Bizimply?

Getting to grips with Bizimply's core functions


Account Configuration and Settings - all you need to know


Giving and restricting access to Bizimply

Timestation App

Anything you need to know about the Timestation for clocking in/out your employees


How to schedule employees on Bizimply

Attendance & Timecards

How to manage attendance, edit timecards and prepare your time records for payroll on Bizimply

Time Off Tracking

How to track time off using Bizimply


Payroll Information - Departments, IDs, OT Rates, Exports


Explaining the information you can export from each report in Bizimply

Employee HR

A walk through of all the tabs and features within your Employees Profile

Employee Experience

All you need to know as an Employee using Bizimply


Everything you need to know about the Dashboard


Everything you need to know to use the E-Signature feature on Bizimply

Shiftlog & Sales

All about capturing sales info in Bizimply and tracking end of day/ shift details


How to use the Forecasts module in Bizimply and how it can be used with other aspects of the system

Bizimply Connect

A guide to Bizimply's Communication Suite

Document Management

View, edit or add documents to the company level or location level documents.


Using reports for payroll, Integrations etc.

Security & GDPR

Bizimply data and security policies

Coming Soon

These features are in testing. You will be the first to know when they are ready :)


All your equipment and supplier information in 1 place