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Leaver Reasons Report

How do I report on Leaver Reasons?

Sean McTiernan avatar
Written by Sean McTiernan
Updated over a week ago

In this article you will learn:

  • How to report on Leaver Reasons 

  • What the report will outline

Please note: You can only pull this report if you have permission to access Employee Reports. If not, contact your account administrator.

How do I report on Leaver Reasons?

  1. Log into

  2. Click the Reports tab from the navigation bar

  3. Go to Employee Reports 

  4. Select Leaver Reasons 

  5. Select the Date Range you want to pull for 

  6. Select the relevant location(s) you want to pull for

  7. Press the blue 'Export' button

  8. The report will be emailed to the email address you are signed into your Bizimply with

The report will outline: 

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Start Date

  • Finish Date

  • Length of Employment

  • Finish Reason

  • Comment

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