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How to Import Sales

You can import your historic sales to get a year on year sales comparison.

Sean McTiernan avatar
Written by Sean McTiernan
Updated over a week ago

In this article, you will learn:

  • How to import your historic sales

  • How to know whether your import was successful

Please note: You must be an account administrator to import sales.

How to Import your Historic Sales

  1. Login to as an account admin

  2. Click on your name/email in the top right of your screen

  3. Select 'Settings' from the drop down menu

  4. Click 'Shift Log Setup' from the list on the left

  5. Click 'Sales Import'

  6. Read through the instructions in blue on the right

  7. Click 'Download Sample CSV File' and use our sample CSV file to import your sales as it is formatted correctly

  8. Open the downloaded CSV file

  9. The columns downloaded will represent sales areas already set up in your account via the Shift log

  10. Populate with data under the appropriate headings ensuring to use the correct dd/mm/yyyy format and not using any symbols

  11. Once this is complete, save the file as a file as CSV

  12. Return to the Bizimply screen and choose the location to upload the historic sales to from the 'Select Location' drop down

  13. Select 'Choose File' and choose your saved CSV file

  14. Click the blue 'Import' button

  15. It may take a few minutes for your sales to upload

How to know whether your import was successful

Once you have successfully imported the sales, the following green banner will appear:

However, if your import is unsuccessful a red banner will appear and you will be presented with an Error List identifying the issue similar to the one in the image below. You will receive an error message for the following issues:

  • Incorrect date format

  • Including symbols in file

  • Importing to selected location that does not match location within the csv file

  • Leaving location and date fields blank

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