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Where to View Timestation Photos

Find out where you can view the photos taken on your Timestation

Sean McTiernan avatar
Written by Sean McTiernan
Updated over a week ago

In this article, you will learn:

  • How to access clock in photos on the Timestation

  • How to access clock in photos on Bizimply web app

Please note that you will only be able to view photos from the Timestation if all photo capture features have been switched on. To learn how to switch on this feature, click here.

The images are stored for a maximum of 30 days and can only be accessed by account Administrators or managers who have been assigned correct permissions.

How to access clock in photos on the Timestation

  1. Click the person icon located at the bottom left of the clock in screen on the iPad

  2. Enter in the manager PIN set for the Timestation

  3. Click into the 'Time Records' tab

  4. Here you will see the photos beside each employee's clock in times

  5. Tap on the photo to enlarge it on screen

How to access clock in photos on Bizimply web app

  1. Sign into Bizimply

  2. Select one of your locations from the 'All Locations' drop down menu located at top right of dashboard

  3. Click into the 'Attendance' tab located in the navigation bar

  4. You will see the photos beside each employee's clock in times

  5. Click on the photo to enlarge it

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