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Bank Details Report

Export a report of employees' bank details including account number, sort code, IBAN, BIC, bank name and account holder name.

Sean McTiernan avatar
Written by Sean McTiernan
Updated over a week ago

in this article you will learn:

  • How to export your employee's Bank Details

Note: You must have account administrator access to export this report. Other roles cannot export this report.

How to export your employee's Bank Details

  1. Login to Bizimply

  2. Select 'Reports' from the icon banner at the top of the screen

  3. Select 'Employee Reports'

  4. Select 'Employee Bank Details'

  5. Choose a date range, select locations and select employees

  6. Click the blue 'Export' button

7. A CSV file will download onto your computer. Click on this file to open it

8. Depending on what settings you have created in 'Bank Details' settings (article link below) you will see the bank details information displayed belonging to the employees selected

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