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Forecasts Settings

Learn how to set up your Forecast settings

Sean McTiernan avatar
Written by Sean McTiernan
Updated over 5 months ago

In this article, you will learn:

Please note: Only Account Admins can access and edit these settings.

How to set up General Forecast Settings

  1. Ensure your Locations dropdown menu at the top left of screen is switched to the 'All Locations' option

  2. Click into the 'Forecasts' tab in the navigation bar

  3. Within the 'Settings' column, select 'General' from the options on the left

Here is what each option controls:

  • Forecast should start on which day of the week? - This determines which day of the week forecasts start

  • Do you want your locations to be able to access their own existing forecasts? - If yes is selected, the forecast will for each location will be available when Bizimply is filtered for that location. the forecast for the relevant. Employees will still need the relevant permissions to see the Forecast.

  • Do you want to allocate labour sales % rules on a per schedule basis? - If yes is selected, each schedule within a location will have a separate allowed spend based on its own Labour Sales %.

How to set up Labour Forecast Settings

  1. Ensure your Locations dropdown menu at the top left of screen is switched to the 'All Locations' option

  2. Click into the 'Forecasts' tab in the navigation bar

  3. Within the 'Settings' column, select 'Labour Forecast' from the options on the left

  4. Select the correct location from the location drop down menu highlighted in the image above

  5. In the first section you can enter in the Labour Sales % for your locations or for your schedules if you selected yes to step number 5 above.

  6. Next you can choose to allocate your hours in forecast by either 1. 'Calculation based on avg hourly rate' or 2. 'Standard Daily Hours'.

  7. If you select 1. 'Calculation based on avg hourly rate', you will enter in the hourly rate for either the location or per schedule e.g. €10. The hours in the forecast will then be calculated by dividing the allowed spend by the average hourly rate. The allowed spend is calculated by multiplying the labour/sales % by the target sales.

  8. Alternatively if you select 2. 'Standard Daily Hours', you will enter in the standard daily hours for either the location or per schedule based on how you set up General Settings.

  9. Click blue save button at bottom right of the screen

How to set up Sales Forecast Settings

  1. Ensure your Locations dropdown menu at the top left of screen is switched to the 'All Locations' option

  2. Click into the 'Forecasts' tab in the navigation bar

  3. Within the 'Settings' column, select 'Sales Forecast' from the options on the left

  4. Select the correct location from the location drop down menu highlighted in the image above

  5. Here you can choose to base the sales forecast on either 'Last year sales' or 'Standard sales forecast per day'

  6. If you select 'Last year sales', use the dropdown on the right to select one of the following: Increase targets by, decrease targets by or Don't change targets. If you select to increase or decrease targets, you enter in the percentage on the lefthand side as shown in image above.

  7. Alternatively you can choose to base sales forecast on Standard sales forecast per day and enter in the figures

  8. Click blue save at bottom right of the screen

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