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Weekly Forecast

Learn how your weekly forecast works

Sean McTiernan avatar
Written by Sean McTiernan
Updated over 5 months ago

In this article, you will learn about:

You can view your weekly forecast based on full location or per schedule depending on the allocation of rules selection that you make in General Forecast Settings highlighted in image below.

How the weekly forecast per location works

Within the weekly forecast, you can choose which locations you want to view as highlighted by the arrow in the image above.

Once you choose your location the weekly forecast is broke down as follows:

  • Sales Forecast: This info pulls from the Sales Forecast Settings or can be edited here. The Total figure is calculated automatically.

  • Sales Forecast - %: These figures are the sales forecast figures minus the sales % figure set in Company Settings e.g. - 10% in the example image above. If you do not have a sales % figure set, this will appear as 0.

  • % of weekly total: These figures are calculated as percentages based on the Total figure.

  • Labour Sales %: The labour sales % pulls through from the Labour Sales % entered into the Labour Forecast Settings by the account admin or can be edited here.

  • Allowed Spend: The allowed spend is calculated by multiplying the labour sales % by the target sales.

  • Target Hours: The target hours figure is calculated based on the Allowed Spend divided by the average hourly rate inputted in the Labour Forecast Settings or can be edited here. Alternatively you can choose to input the target hours into Labour Forecast Settings instead of Calculation based on average hourly rate.

  • SPLH: The sales per labour hour figure is calculated by dividing the sales by the target hours.

How the weekly forecast per schedule works

Within the weekly forecast, you can choose which locations you want to view as highlighted by the arrow in the image above.

Once you choose your location the weekly forecast is broke down as follows:

  • Sales Forecast: This info pulls from the Sales Forecast Settings or can be edited here. The Total figure is calculated automatically.

  • Sales Forecast - %: These figures are the sales forecast figures minus the sales % figure set in Company Settings e.g. - 10% in the example image above. If you do not have a sales % figure set, this will appear as 0.

  • % of weekly total: These figures are calculated as percentages based on the Total figure.

  • Labour Sales %: The labour sales % pulls through from the Labour Sales % entered into the Labour Forecast Settings by the account admin or can be edited here. It is showing the combined labour sales % of all schedules.

  • Allowed Spend: The allowed spend is calculated by multiplying the labour sales % by the target sales for all schedules

  • Schedule Name

  • Labour Sales %: This is showing the labour sales % for just this location AND pulls through from the Labour Sales % entered into the Labour Forecast Settings by the account admin or can be edited here.

  • Allowed Spend: The allowed spend is showing for just this location and is calculated by multiplying the labour sales % by the target sales.

  • Target Hours: The target hours figure is calculated based on the Allowed Spend divided by the average hourly rate inputted in the Labour Forecast Settings or can be edited here. Alternatively you can choose to input the target hours into Labour Forecast Settings instead of Calculation based on average hourly rate.

  • SPLH: The sales per labour hour figure is calculated by dividing the sales by the target hours.

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